What Filemaker Crm does?

Filemaker CRM Sales

OsQin Crm manage Quotes, Orders, Packing List (deliveries), and invoices. OsQin Crm integrate a strong Inventory system, and barcode generator system.

Filemaker Woocommerce Integration Crm

This Filemaker CRM is #1 powerful and complete Filemaker Woocommerce integration on the market.

This Filemaker CRM is #1 powerful and complete Filemaker Wordpress integration on the market.

Filemaker Purchase Orders

OsQin Crm integrate also a Filemaker Purchase Order Module.

Filemaker CRM Reports

OsQin Erp integrate all Filemaker reports you need including a very clear and powerful Dashboard.

Why work with us?

We have one of the longest Filemaker expertise as Filemaker developer, but also as CRM Developer.

We are using always the latest technology

We suggest to customers the best way!

We focus on the Customer Target only

We always use the last hardware

Compatible Mac, Windows, Cloud, Apple devices

What does Filemaker Crm

Customers (Multiple currencies auto updated), Vendors, Products (-Including an Approach fees module -could be imported from Woocommerce)

Products Variations (-Link with one product it's for example one tee-shirt who can be sale base on the Size and color. - Size: XL - Color: Black - Size: XXL - Color White etc...), Quotes, Commercial Orders, (could be imported from Woocommerce)

Purchase Orders, Purchase Orders deliveries, Commercial deliveries (or Packing list), Invoices

Inventory, Payments, (-Multiple currencies auto updated), Tickets Management (-To follow up all situations after sales), Emails Multiple accounts In / Out (-External license fee), Reports, Wordpress Integration (-Create, update, delete, Posts & Pages directly from OsQin Crm), Woocommerce Integration (-Create, update, delete, all Woocommercedata directly from OsQin Crm), Multiple Websites Compatible (You can have unlimited website to manage with),

Multiple Pricing (If you need to manage complex couple of data regarding the sales price, so OsQin will really help you. You can determine many couple of data between the customer side and the product side. (Ex: One client / One Product, but also base on the date start and date end, but also with a minimum quantity! and so many more.)), Multiple Currencies (We integrated a system to auto update all majors currencies. But if yours are not updated you can do this manually with ease), Access management control per User our User group, And so many more…!

Filemaker Crm - Filemaker CMMS

Filemaker Crm
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